Safety Messages
Safety Message – Rain
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day! Below are a few tips for driving in the rain. Reduce Your Driving Speed in Adverse Road and/or Weather Conditions Adjust your speed to safely match weather conditions, road conditions, visibility, and traffic. Excessive...
Safety Message – Stay Positive
If you start the week with a positive attitude on Monday,it’ll be a lot easier to fight off negativity the rest of the week. The secret to happiness is to re-think your outlook on life and re-frame yourperspective. By framing your world, you can actually persuade...
Safety Message – Pre and Post Trip Inspection Do’s and Don’ts
PRE- AND POST-TRIP INSPECTION DOS AND DON’TS Minimizing over-the-road breakdowns and preventing out-of-service violations are two of the many benefits of pre-and post-trip inspections. Use this list of dos and don'ts to complete your inspections the right way. Don't:...
Safety Message – Spring Time
It's Spring! We need to be aware of how changing weather will affect our ability to do our jobs safely and efficiently, starting now. Below are a few trips to help you stay safe this spring. Don't assume overpasses are safe. When high winds are raging, or there's a...
Safety Message – Prescriptions on the Truck
For drivers, the most important safety feature is YOU - the driver! Each time you turn the key, you are responsible for your own safety, as well as the safety of all the people who share the road with you. Let's talk Medications on the truck! How to Read a...
Safety Message – Drowsy Driving
Daylight savings time, which begins this weekend, brings an increased risk of drowsy driving. Drowsy Driving Facts: TIME Drowsy driving accidents often occur late at night or early in the morning Slipiness can peak in the afternoon, especially affecting older adults...
Safety Message – Fog
Fog season is usually based in the cooler months (late autumn, winter, and early spring) Fog is formed when any cloud type makes contact with the ground. In low-lying areas, such as valleys and plains, the fog bank is essentially a cloud formation subject to the same...
Safety Message – Cold & Flu Season on the Truck
Practice Healthy Habits: Get adequate sleep Exercise Stay active Hydrate Stress management Eat well Get regular checkups Social distance when possible Get your Flu Vaccine: Flu Vaccines are free...
Safety Message – Matching Speed to Conditions
Driving too fast for conditions: Traveling at a speed greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving. If a vehicle can’t be controlled safely, consider pulling off and parking until conditions improve. Conditions include: • Wet roads • Heavy traffic •...
Safety Message – Sideswipe Collisions
As professional truck drivers - Truckers must hold a commercial driver’s license as a requirement of their job. Obtaining a CDL means agreeing to adhere to stricter standards behind the wheel than ordinary drivers. Those standards reflect the great responsibility...
Safety Message – Cell Phones on the Truck
FMCSA rule restricts the use of all hand-held mobile devices by drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). This rulemaking restricts a CMV driver from holding a mobile device to make a call or dialing by pressing more than a single button. The use of a hand-held...
Safety Message – They’re in Rut, So Be Alert
Deer in rut, nearly double the chances you'll hit one with your car. Here are some helpful tips to avoid a deer collision: Deer crashes usually occur an hour after sunset but are also common around sunrise. Be extra vigilant during these times. You don’t want to blind...
Update September 2022
Many of you expressed interest in the upcoming health challenge, the time has arrived! The Details: The competition will run between September 13th and end on November 11th.The first weigh-in will be the morning of Tuesday, September 13th in tractor parking. We will...
Safety Message – Back to the Basics!
Let’s get back to the basics! 3 important things to remember while driving: Space -- Visibility -- Time Aim High in SteeringOur eyes are designed to work for us at walking speeds.The average person has not adjusted visually or mentally to the higher speeds ofmotor...
Safety Message – Triangles
Drivers who stop their vehicles on the shoulder of the traveled part of the roadway (other than for a normal traffic stop) need to minimize the risk and alert other drivers to their presence. This is done by: Stopping as far out of the way of other vehicles as safely...
Safety Message – Caffeine on the Truck
Caffeine can have a very positive effect on truckers, but too much Caffeine can be dangerous. For those who spent hours by themselves on the road day after day, often well into the night, caffeine can be a lifesaver. Literally. A recent study showed that drivers who...
Safety Message- Healthy July
Eating healthy on the road is difficult, fast food is sometimes our only option. There are some healthier options at the big chains here are a few suggestions: We talked about how to stay fit on the truck, but it is also important to stay active on your weekends Take...
Safety Message – Mental Health on the Truck
Life on the road can be pretty tough at times. As a driver, you're away from home for extended periods of time. The stress of driving in heavy traffic and inclement weather can really take its toll on the mental health of a driver. Mental health is...
Safety Message – Working Out…In the Truck
You all have deadlines, so finding time to exercise or search for healthy food (which is like trying to find a shirt with sleeves at a truck stop) can be a challenge. 1. No matter what, exercise 15 minutes every day. It doesn't have to happen in a gym, and...
Safety Message – Goal (Get Out And Look)
(Get out and look) When backing up must occur, Get Out and Look (GOAL). “Before backing, get out of your cab and walk around your vehicle to look and see what lies between you and your backing destination. Nobody on the riding step. Never back your vehicle when...
Safety Message – Mirrors
START WITH A CLEAN SLATE: Find a cool spot to clean your mirrors instead of cleaning them inthe blazing sun.Apply the cleaner to a lint-free cloth rather than applying thecleaner directly to your mirrors.Keep a small can of defroster within easy reach in your truck...
Safety Message – CVSA International Roadcheck 2022
Inspectors primarily conduct Level I inspections, a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of driver requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness. This year the focus will be on wheel ends: Top violations the CVSA reported during 2021 roadside inspections: •...
Safety Message – Be Aware
Know everything going on around you.Always look well ahead down the road and around your rig.When rolling down the highway, especially in heavy traffic, always plan an ‘escape route’.Be aware of who’s in front of you, beside you, and behind you at all times. Be aware...
Safety Message- Theft / Refrigerator /Power to the truck
Hope everyone’s enjoying the start of there weeks! This week we have a few items to cover, so please read on… Recently, it has been brought to our attention that there have been some items missing out of trucks. Theft does not just happen in tractor parking; we have...
Safety Message -Pulling trailers from the dock
On March 4, a FedEx Ground employee was involved in an accident during a trailer dock pull. (This was NOT at the Denver HUB) The details as to what occurred are still being investigated; however, one known fact is that this incident resulted in a tragic fatality....
Safety Message- Spring Driving
Spring Driving Driving during the winter can be a dangerous time of the year for truck drivers. Snow and ice can make the roads challenging to drive on, and we don't always want to deal with staying warm during the wintry months. With the first few days of spring...
Safety Message – Work Zone Awareness
With warmer temperatures just around the corner (FINALLY!!!) we are going to see an increase of construction on the highways. Below are some tips and facts to help you stay safe and keep others safe this spring/summer. Maintaining awareness in work zones...
Safety Message – Cargo Theft
The movie- The Fast and The Furious is one of my favorite movies of all time… but let’s be real- Cargo theft is a HUGE problem in the US. We all saw the news about the theft at the Railyard in LA- but it’s not just happening at the rail yard. Below are some facts...
Safety Message – Sleeping Well?
This week I wanted to talk about things that you can do to help you get a better night’s rest. Below are some facts, tips, and techniques that have been suggested to help you get a better night's (or days) rest! Block all noise: In a rest stop or truck stop, try your...
Safety Message – Avoiding Impaired Drivers
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes every day. In 2019, 10,142 people lost their lives due to drunk driving. Warning Signs of an Impaired Driver Your drivers can help avoid...
Safety Message – Human Trafficking
CVSA Launches New Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative in Canada and the U.S. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is launching a new annual three-day Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative (HTAI) early this year in Canada and the U.S., corresponding with...
Safety Message – Holiday Traffic
Safe driving in holiday traffic cdl jobs denver colorado Buckle up: A safety belt will not prevent a crash, but it will save a life. Slow down: Chances of a crash nearly triples when driving faster than surrounding traffic. When conditions are less than...
Safety Message – Don’t Crowd the Plow
This week I wanted to share some information about sharing the road with snowplows! Did you know that in 2019, Gov. Jared Polis signed House Bill 19-1265 (Tandem Snowplow Law )into law? The law increases penalties for motorists who pass snowplows. It is now a Class A...
Safety message – Winter Equipment Prep
We all know it’s coming … snow and ice! This week we wanted to share some tips and facts about prepping our equipment, and ourselves. Winter equipment prep: Windshield wipers and fluid • Replacing any wiper blade that leaves streaks...
Safety Message – Night Driving
The most dangerous time to drive is after dark. • Depth perception, color recognition, and peripheral vision can be compromised • Headlight glare can be temporarily blinding • Limited visibility = less time to react 250 ft. = normal headlights 500 ft. = high beams...
Safety Message – Happy Halloween
Good morning, all! Happy Halloween! Halloween is on Sunday this year, expect an increase of children of all ages celebrating all weekend! Safe Driving is a Treat! Beware! Ghosts and goblins, Batmen, and mermaids will be roaming the streets again at sunset...
Safety Message – Wildlife
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It’s that time of year…. Deer rutting season. Below are some fun facts and tips to avoid Animal collisions. The NHSA reports 1.5 million annual deer-related auto accidents Animals crossroads and highways in search of food, water,...
Safety Message – Winter Weather
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Snow/slush: Driving safely in snow/slush is boosted by: Maintaining a safe following distance (at least four seconds) Lowering speed to match road conditions Watching for black ice Accelerating and braking slowly Avoiding sudden...
Safety Message – Slips, Trips, and FALL
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Happy Fall!! This week I wanted to make sure and remind you not to “ Fall “ or slip in wet or icy conditions. Drivers Make sure to grab handles, catwalk, and steps are securely mounted, clean, and serviceable. Use 3-points of...
Safety Message: Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving: Any unsafe driving that’s performed deliberately and with ill intention or disregard for safety. Examples: Speeding in Heavy TrafficTailgatingWeaving in and out of trafficChanging lanes unnecessarily and without signalingBlocking Cars that are...
Inspectors to focus on steering, suspension during June’s Roadcheck inspection blitz
The annual International Roadcheck 72-hour inspection blitz will be held June 4-6 with a focus on steering and suspension systems. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, which conducts the event each year, says steering and suspension are critical for all commercial...
Tire Traction Device Laws
Many states/provinces have laws regarding the use of tire traction devices, including tire chains and studs that are most commonly used during winter weather to help prevent a vehicle from sliding or skidding. For example, some states, such as Colorado and Washington,...
Frozen Equipment
Frozen equipment is often an obstacle throughout the winter months. Any moving part can freeze after sitting out in cold weather conditions. Complications with the equipment, including dollies, can occur if the equipment is used while frozen. Fifth wheel plates should...
Backing Tips
Helpful hints for proper mirror adjustment and safe backing Backing accidents cause an average of 500 deaths and 15,000 injuries per year! Engaging in proper protocol for safe backing and mirror adjustments can eliminate the exorbitant claims costs associated with...
Cell Phones
Drivers using handheld or hands-free cell phones are 4x as likely to crash. The National Safety Council estimates 25% of crashes involve cell phones. IT’S THE LAW Federal regulations require that drivers not use hand-held mobile telephone while driving a CMV, which...
Seat Belts Save Lives
Fatalities have occurred when drivers have not worn their seatbelt The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration advises: Increasing the use of safety restraint systems by motor vehicle occupants is one of the most effective ways of reducing injuries and...
Preventing Rollovers
According to, rollovers are dangerous incidents that have a higher fatality rate than other types of crashes. The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration provides the following information to help avoid rollovers: Maintaining curve advisory...
Approximately 4 million commercial motor vehicle inspections are conducted every year throughout North America to ensure the large trucks and buses driving on our roadways are operating safely. Specially trained inspectors in each state, jurisdiction, territory and...
Safety Reminder, April 18th
The use of high visibility (HiVis) reflective garments, such as reflective vests, t-shirts, and outerwear is intended to raise awareness and enhance safety in the station/hub yard where vehicular traffic is present. Many hubs (Denver excluded) are holding you to this...
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