Caffeine can have a very positive effect on truckers, but too much Caffeine can be dangerous.

For those who spent hours by themselves on the road day after day, often well into the night, caffeine can be a lifesaver. Literally. A recent study showed that drivers who had consumed caffeine were 63% less likely to get into a crash.  

Whether it’s being consumed through coffee, tea, soda, or something else, caffeine is generally accepted as the safest, most effective stimulant available to truck drivers.

While the average caffeine consumption is around 200mg per day, The Mayo Clinic recommends that people not exceed 400-500 mg per day. Consuming more than this can result in adverse overdose symptoms. This, of course, is affected by body weight, health, and individual sensitivity.

People can build up a tolerance to the effects of caffeine requiring larger doses to produce the same desired effect. If you are unsure how much you can handle, starting small and gradually increasing your caffeine consumption as needed is best. Sometimes a caffeine detox is needed to reset caffeine tolerance back to safer/average amounts.

Those who have built up a high caffeine tolerance can have severe caffeine withdrawal symptoms when detoxing, so it may be wise to quit caffeine gradually.

Caffeine can’t replace proper rest!

Whether you’re a caffeine drinker or not, proper rest is paramount to driver safety and performance. Always make sure you’re getting enough rest between driving periods. Additionally, you should be getting quality at-home time to recuperate further.

Amazon find…  

Hamilton Beach Personal Smoothie Blender With 14 Oz Travel Cup and Lid


Healthy Coffee Smoothie 


  • 1 tbsp ground coffee un-brewed, (not instant coffee)
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1/4 cup brewed coffee, chilled
  • 1/2 frozen banana (the riper, the sweeter)
  • raw honey, as needed, for sweetness (and if not vegan)
  • ice, as needed to thicken


To Make the Healthy Coffee Smoothie Recipe:

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add more ice if too liquidly or more almond milk if too thick, as needed.
  3. Serve immediately.