Be Alert.

  • Know everything going on around you.
  • Always look well ahead down the road and around your rig.
  • When rolling down the highway, especially in heavy traffic, always plan an ‘escape route’.
  • Be aware of who’s in front of you, beside and behind you at all times. Be aware of everything, so you can act accordingly, if and when necessary.
  • Being well-rested keeps you at your best.

Leave Room in Front of Your Rig.

  • Always, always leave plenty of room in front of your vehicle.
  • This ‘buffer zone’ or ‘cushion’ in front of your rig will protect you and your truck.
  • Usually, if anything goes wrong, there’s a good chance it will be ahead of you.
  • The more empty space you have in front of you and your unit, the more time you’ll have to ‘correct’ and slow down, if necessary.

Keep Lane Changes to a Minimum.

  • Pick a lane and STAY in it.
  • Cars will dodge and change lanes no matter what. If you do find it necessary to change lanes, move over very carefully, being aware of your blind spots, and constantly check your mirrors.
  • The odds of an accident increase dramatically each time a vehicle makes a move to another lane.
  • When entering a city from the freeway, take the 2nd lane from the right, to avoid merging vehicles. Cars love to hug the right lane and dodge all over. They tend not to merge. Merging seems to be a ‘lost art’.

Take Breaks + Check Your Truck.

  • Stop and take regular breaks as needed. Get in a good stretch. Do a walk around, of the truck and trailer.  Look for soft tires, and air leaks, and check under the truck for any dripping coolant or oil.


It’s a simple word that means so much.