If you start the week with a positive attitude on Monday, it’ll be a lot easier to fight off negativity the rest of the week.

The secret to happiness is to re-think your outlook on life and re-frame your perspective. By framing your world, you can actually persuade yourself into happiness and contentment. Truck drivers sometimes find this difficult when faced with adversity to keep themselves going. Below are some helpful tips/reminders to help y’all have a happy, successful week!

Engaging your senses comfortably.

We obviously spend a lot of time behind the wheel. And although the visual outdoor scenery is constantly changing on the road, your personal bubble and how items interact with your five senses can have an immense effect on your mood. Something as simple as buying a scented air freshener, that reminds you of home, or downloading new music or changing up your podcast!

Filling your life with positive people.

Sometimes, over-the-road truck driving can get lonely. But it’s important to touch base frequently with important people in your life. ESPECIALLY, ones that will provide you with support.

Acknowledging when you achieve a goal.

When you feel overwhelmed at the tasks you must accomplish, it’s important to celebrate when you cross things off your “to- do” list. Whether it be by physically crossing items off a list or by treating yourself to a special thing to reward yourself, making a bit of a happy moment will motivate you to get more things done. It is nice to know there’s a positive light at the end of the tunnel when we are productive.

Dropping the negative attitudes.

When you realize that no one is entitled to anything in this life, you realize that hard work isn’t a bad thing. Rather, keeping things going is the sign of a strong person. Dropping negative thoughts, you have about yourself will also help drop the negative attitude. Instead, fill your mental dialogue with motivational mantras to keep you going.