
It’s that time of year…. Deer rutting season. Below are some fun facts and tips to avoid Animal collisions.

The NHSA reports 1.5 million annual deer-related auto accidents

Animals crossroads and highways in search of food, water, cover, and mates — putting them directly in the path of vehicles.

Deer rutting season occurs between the middle of October and early December when deer mate.

As a result, deer are more active, which significantly increases the risk of hitting one while driving.

Wildlife awareness collision avoidance:

  • Keep windshield and headlights clean
  • Look for and heed signs announcing a wildlife crossing
  • Scan the road and shoulders ahead
  • Use high beam headlights if there’s no oncoming traffic
  • Be extra cautious at dawn, dusk, and in areas of reduced visibility
  • Always wear a seat belt and remain awake, alert, and sober
  • Avoid distractions (texting, talking on the phone)

Don’t veer!

If a collision with an animal is unavoidable, the AAA and the NAIC recommend:

  • Holding securely to the steering wheel
  • Applying brakes firmly
  • Coming to a stop
  • Remaining in lane

If an accident with wildlife occurs…

  • Stay calm, move the vehicle to a safe place and engage hazard lights
  • Alert authorities if the vehicle can’t be moved or if the animal is blocking traffic
  • Take photos of vehicle damage, the road and note any injuries
  • Check the vehicle – Is it safe to operate?
  • Call Kevin or Shelby


