Importance of Mirrors
Mirrors in semi-trucks are like windows into different parts of the road. Without the proper setup, they can create an optical illusion or spots that may hide critical information if one mirror is out of position. This section lays out the importance of simple mirror adjustment options to avoid collisions.
Positioning the Truck Mirrors
The primary goal when positioning mirrors is to provide total coverage of the surrounding area. Proper semi-truck mirror adjustment should be relative to the driver’s seating position. It will maximize their effectiveness, diminishing the chance of missing an overtaking vehicle or a merge at late notice.
To position semi-truck mirrors correctly, adjust them while seated in your normal driving position so that you can watch the entire length of the trailer and as much space as possible without viewing the truck itself. Remember that the passenger side and driver side mirrors will not be adjusted exactly the same, given that the driver’s seat sits on one side of the vehicle.
Adjusting the Mirrors
Once the position is correct, the next step is fine-tuning the semi-truck proper mirror adjustment to eliminate blind spots.
When fine-tuning your mirrors, ensure the driver-side and passenger-side mirrors are positioned to display a sliver of the truck’s side for orientation while maximizing the view of adjacent lanes. Adjust the convex and extended-length planar mirrors to complement the side view by eliminating blind spots. This will give a full perspective of both the sides and the rear of the truck’s trailer. If done properly, you should have a fairly complete view of the space beside and behind your truck.
Checking Mirrors Regularly
As a driver, you have to choose to use the mirror often. Regular checks ensure you’re informed about what’s happening outside your truck and ready to respond to changing road conditions.
To maintain optimal awareness of the surrounding traffic, the best recommendation is to check your mirrors every 5 to 8 seconds, especially before and during any change in direction or lane. Additionally, always perform a longer, more comprehensive scan of all mirrors and blind spot detection systems when preparing for maneuvers such as turns, merges, or when there is increased traffic.
Always remain alert: Driving when you are tired or distracted will interfere with the quality of your driving.