Safety – Truck Rest Area Tips for Safe Sleeping

Safety – Truck Rest Area Tips for Safe Sleeping

With the current parking shortage and bad weather, it makes it difficult for truck drivers to find a safe place to park and sleep.  We would prefer drivers to pull over into a truck stop, or rest area on the highway. Unfortunately, most rest areas or truck stops...
Safety – Distracted Driving

Safety – Distracted Driving

Definition Distracted driving is anything that draws a driver’s attention and takes his/her eyes away from the road. Examples inside the vehicle include: Dialing a cell phone Texting Using apps Taking photos/videos Using/reaching for/moving an object Adjusting a radio...
Safety – Anti-Gel and WY Winds

Safety – Anti-Gel and WY Winds

It’s going to be a very cold week! We have started to put in your trucks anti-gel. Each tank takes half of a bottle! For those who don’t have them yet, we are working on getting them to you.  JJ and Don will put a couple of bottles next to the tires of your personal...
Safety – Inspections

Safety – Inspections

The FMCSA and state authorities determine driver and motor carrier compliance with regulations primarily through roadside inspections. Several events can lead to a roadside inspection, including: Observable defects Speeding / Reckless driving Random inspection...
Safety – Preventing Work-Related Injuries

Safety – Preventing Work-Related Injuries

Proper Posture It may not look like a big deal, but how you make the connections matters. Awkward reaching holds and motions with added force can cause injuries to your muscles, tendons, and joints. Good posture, careful movements, and strong full-fisted holds on...